Sunday, 20 October 2013

Appearance of my Artist


Artist Planning

  • Band or solo artist?
For my main article, I have decided to create a solo artist. I have chosen this because I feel that not many people will choose to do this but also, it is more common to find solo artists in a dubstep/trap magazine.

  • Who are they?
Dallas (real name Mason James) is 28 years old, born in Australia. He has recently moved to London to promote his new album.
His mother passed away when he was 16 and focused on music ever since.
Is currently making a comeback after having left the music industry when having a daughter 3 years ago. He wants everyone to be reminded of his music therefore incorporated some of his old stuff with new.

  • Why are they doing the interview?
The artist will be doing the interview to promote his new album. It will be one of his first albums for a long time which the magazine will make a big deal of. The magazine will describe the artist as having a big come back etc.

  • Appearance:
The artist will be well known for always wearing a flat peak cap. Their face won’t be shown too much to make them look slightly mysterious/unknown which links well with the idea of him making a comeback, to see if he is still widely recognised.
He will be wearing fairly plain clothes e.g. skinny jeans and a plain top with a pair of high tops. I want him to look flashy, rich. Like he’s done well for himself and he wants everyone to know about it.

  • What location will bring out my artists personality?
My artist is a show off therefore, I want to show this through the photos I take. For example I want the reader to see that he thinks he is above everyone else. I could show this by taking a photo of him standing over the camera, making him look big, strong.
As a background I am temped to have just a plain white back drop to make him stand out. I don’t want something that will take the attention away from the artist himself.

  • Photograph ideas:
For the photographs of my artists I would like it to show the artisits flashy side. Show his wealth so that the audience can see that he has made something of himself and even though he has been out of the industry for 3 years, he is as strong as ever.
Therefore, I want him to be wearing up to date clothes e.g. skinny jeans, tight top, flat peak cap, high tops as well as jewellery e.g. a big gold watch, a necklace etc.
I will have more than one photo of him in the article therefore I'd like to have him wearing different outfits e.g in one image have him wearing dark skinny jeans and a tight top and in another image have him wearing a shirt and light jeans. This is to give the article some variety.

  • Contents page artists:
For my contents page I will need to create new artists and events however in less depth than my main article.
  1. Upcoming artisits - Dom Knight
                                  - Hanns
                                  - Thrones
  2. Upcoming events  - Festivals
                                  - Gigs
                                  - Tours
  3. New music            - Recommended music
                                  - Whats hot

Readership Profile

Jamie is 18 years old and lives in Leeds. He is doing A-Levels at sixth form
studying Business, Media, Spanish and Maths.
His hobbies include playing rugby, going out, partying and seeing friends.
He has a part time job as a sports coach at a local secondary school working
3 days a week after school and attends any sporting events/matches.
He loves going to the gym, going on runs and riding bikes with friends.
A lot of Jamie's money is spent on clothes and tickets to concerts/gigs to
see some of his favourite bands and artists.

He thinks it is important to balance his social life with his school and work life
and handles this well.
Music is important to him and a lot of his free time is spent listening to
his favourite artists.
He likes a variety of music including rock, dubstep and trap.
Jamie met the majority of his closest friends through attending concerts and festivals,
a lot of them he has now known for a few years.
When he has finished sixth form he hopes to go travelling with friends. This
is something he has wanted to do since he was young.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Initial Name Ideas For My Music Magazine

  1. Karma- The name Karma is one of my favourites as its different like the magazine. It will stand out to the audience and is simple but not too harsh.
  2. Distortion- Distortion is also one of my favourite names as again it is different and I also feel that it matches the magazines genre.
  3. Notion- Im not sure if I like this name as it doesnt really suit the magazine's genre. It sounds like it would suit a lighter music genre, maybe more pop as opposed to a dubstep/trap magazine.
  4. Bolt- I like this name as it is quick and easy to remember. I like the idea of having a simple name however I would like it to mean something and have more of a link to the genre.
  5. Trapped- This again, is one of my favourite names as it links to the genre of trap music. However, I feel it may be slightly obvious.
  6. Notice- The name Notice makes me think more of a local newspaper name, not suiting the genre of my magazine.
  7. Strobe- Strobe links in well to the genre of the magazine as lights (strobe lighting) are commonly linked with dubstep/trap music.
  8. Theory- I don't feel that this name would suit my magazine as it sounds very formal where as I want something more laid back.
  9. Joker- I like this idea form a magazine name however I'm unsure whether it suits a music magazine.
  10. Throne- I like the name Throne as I feel it would make the magazine sound above others, more dominant and intimidating but not too harsh to put off the reader.
  11. Released- Again, I feel the name released would suit a more relaxed magazine. I wanted a name that sounded slightly more harsh.